Ever since graduating Physical Therapy school about 20 years ago, there has been a relentless drive within me to understand how the mind, body and soul work together to heal the human body. Physical Therapy taught me to implement “the easiest and most effective” techniques to benefit my clients to the max. This journey has also been driven by my own desire to heal and transform from the traumas experienced in my childhood. I realize now how every “trauma” and hurt is a gift from the Divine, how it is actually all happening to bring us closer to our Divine connection. As Oprah said in her recent The Life You Want tour, “Everything That Happens To Us, Happens FOR Us.”
These past 3 years since my divorce, I have been even more called to reflect on a deeper emotional and energetic level in regards to intimacy and relationships, which has led me to discover how my parents’ relationships affected my sub-conscious mind, and how what I witnessed as a child greatly affected my marriage and life.
If you have tried to change something about yourself, only discover that you revert back to old habits and patterns, that is a sign that your sub-conscious mind has not changed to support what your conscious mind and soul is desiring to create.
We are energetic and vibrational beings that emit a certain frequency depending on a variety of factors including¬† our thoughts, beliefs and perceptions… and it’s our beliefs that greatly effect our cells, our gene expression, and how we look and feel in every moment.
Today, we have all the science and ancient wisdom to reprogram our sub-conscious minds so we may all co-create miracles and live in a world where optimal health, connection, peace, love and joy are the predominant vibrations and experiences.¬† We can all live “heaven on earth” in the Honeymoon Effect as Dr. Bruce Lipton says. We can co-create solutions to all our major life challenges and chronic diseases! It is simply up to our sub-conscious mind to align with our conscious mind and create new beliefs that support the live we truly desire. Sounds easy, but it does require commitment and lots of love, acceptance and the creation of NEW BELIEFS!
We are in a major paradigm shift, in seeing ourselves with a new set of lenses that include witnessing ourselves as vibrational beings filled with light, waves and particles of energy.
Therefore, to change our lives (which are all based on our beliefs), we must first change the frequency or vibration of our beliefs… and that happens when we first ask ourselves, “what do I truly desire, how do I wish to feel?, what brings me passion and joy?”.¬† Each belief and thought IS a vibrational frequency, so if we shift our beliefs, then we will shift our vibrational frequency and attract a whole new outer reality, life and relationships at the speed of light!
In the book The Biology Of Belief,¬† Dr. Bruce Lipton recommends an energy psychology approach created by Rob M. Williams called PSYCH-K to re-program our beliefs and transform our lives so we may live “heaven on earth.” What I love about PSYCH-K¬Æ is that it not only aligns our sub-conscious minds with our conscious creating minds, but it also makes sure to align us first and foremost with our Super Conscious Minds-our God Essence/Soul/Source/Creator so that everything we do in the PSYCH-K¬Æ processes are aligned with our Divinity, our intuition, true heart’s desires and our Soul’s Purpose-ALL IN ONE, YES, it really works!!
I just had the pleasure of completing the Beginner and Pro course for PSYCH-K® with Saryu Dalal. It has helped me in quick and easy ways to process and see the blind spots I had mentioned before that were getting in the way of my past intimate relationships. I am so grateful for this approach and super excited to integrate it into my personal life and professional life as my desire is to serve the highest capacity on the planet! The more we live feeling lighter and BEING LOVE, the more we raise our vibrational frequency, the more we benefit everyone and the whole universe!
TRY THESE TWO NEW MEDITATIONS DESIGNED TO CREATE NEW BELIEFS THAT SUPPORT A NEW VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY IN YOU! CLICK ON THE PICTURE BELOW TO LISTEN TO FOR FREE AND DOWNLOAD FOR A NOMINAL FEE. Let me know how they benefit you! My desire is to bring us “Major Healing with Minor Effort!” These guided meditations are powerful vibrational transmissions to your cells and will literally shift your vibrational state to a state that welcomes new possibilities to your life!
I am so excited to share with you NOW via Skype, phone or in person Be Your Brilliance Experiences (formerly known as Integrative Healing Therapy) that now include the PSYCH-K® Processes.
Special thanks to Susan Stone CHT and Laya Seghi LCSW, two extremely gifted PSYCH-K facilitators for inspiring me to be more curious about PSYCH-K!