by | Apr 4, 2012 | Michelle Alva Blog
A way to achieve a deeper level of peace is to surrender to Divine Order with Everything Is Always Perfect… I realize how believing in a higher power is so great, because it calms us… we are relaxed when we can trust that there is a higher force...
by | Apr 4, 2012 | Michelle Alva Blog
LEADING… SERVING… LEARNING On Thursday, March 29th at FIU. Florida International University’s Women Who Lead Conference is designed to further enhance the leadership development of female students at FIU and is sponsored by the Women’s...
by | Mar 27, 2012 | Michelle Alva Blog
Did you know that your body is naturally designed to love, digest, heal, energize, birth, breastfeed and sleep soundly? So many pregnant women today are too stressed out to be in alignment with their true nature, which is peace and balance so that...
by | Mar 23, 2012 | Michelle Alva Blog
When was the last time you nurtured and appreciated your Belly? Did you know that the way you feel about your belly affects your digestion, stress level, sleep, libido, immunity and mood? Do you need more Belly Love?  The skin over your chest and abdomen has the most...
by | Mar 12, 2012 | Michelle Alva Blog
Last night, 16 of us gathered at Choices Vegan Cafe for a very uplifting and productive two hour workshop that included a delicious vegan meal. Alex Cuevas, owner of Choices and I collaborated to bring you Clear Your Obstacles and Manifest Greatness ! Some Key Points...