10 Ways To Free Your Mind and Untether Your Soul

¬† Allow Your Soul To Run Wild and Free Our soul is a part of us that is beyond our bodies and beyond our minds, beyond space and time. The part of you that is observing your thoughts is your soul. When we live as “the witness of our thoughts and the observer of...

3 Key Yoga Moves To Shrink and Tone Your Waist

Shrink and Tone Your Waist While Energizing Yourself and Connecting To The Core Of Who You Are written by Michelle Alva, Holistic Physical Therapist, Yoga Therapist and Energy Healer. Do you sit for more than 3-4 hours per day? Did you know that your abdominal corset...

3 Reasons Why It's So Important To Love Your Body

Before you even read this article, close your eyes and ask yourself this question: “On a zero to 10 scale, how much love do you feel LOVE for your body?” Zero is UGH, I don’t like my body at all. 10 is I love my body exactly as it is. Reflect on...