How To Know When It's Time To Let Go

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you feel weighed down or stuck without any way out? Too often we become attached to people, places or things and have a hard time letting go. Sometimes we hold on even if we are no longer growing or feeling uplifted....
Love Your Body To The Max with Belly Dance!

Love Your Body To The Max with Belly Dance!

If you sit in a chair for more than 6-8 hours a day, you reduce your life span by 33% according a recent report by the National Cancer Society. According to a 2009 study published in Clinical Psychology Review, one out of every five individuals experience some form of...

3 Ways To Clear Your Fear

Fear is useful when we are faced in a truly dangerous situation. It helps us to move ourselves quickly towards a place of safety. However, we often walk around in fear without even realizing it, because of things that happened in our lives in the past. Fearful...