The Truth About Honesty

The Truth About Honesty at   Honesty is a fairness and straightforwardness of conduct. ‚ÄúBe yourself; everyone else is already taken.‚Äù ‚Äï Oscar Wilde It is our nature to be honest. To tell the truth actually...
Pediatric Foot Massage and It’s Benefits

Pediatric Foot Massage and It’s Benefits

Pediatric Foot Massage Children that are touched in a positive way show less signs of violence, aggression and stress. They also have a healthier body image. Parents that touch with a loving intention and massage their children benefit their child for a lifetime....

How To Find Balance In An Unbalanced World

Men and women both possess qualities that are masculine and feminine. When you balance the feminine and masculine aspects within yourself, regardless if you are male or female, you get to experience the complete and powerful human being you were designed to be. We...