3 Easy Steps to Release Emotional Weight

Do you carry the extra weight of emotions in your body? Do you sit for 5 or more hours per day at a desk? Listen to the interview HERE “3 Easy Steps To Release Emotional Weight”  Grateful to share these powerful and easy techniques to get our of our heads and...

3 Ways To Heal From Shame

Shame is a topic we might be too embarassed to talk about or admit that we have… which prevents us from processing and healing. It is a silent killer as it eats away at our self-esteem and it also causes us to disconnect from all our parts. Those shameful...

3 Tips To Embody Self-Acceptance and Trust

In my past, it has been a struggle to be able to trust someone and accept myself completely. Growing up with two brothers, somehow the message I got growing up was that girls were supposed to be “nice” and this taught me to be quiet and¬†not stand up for...

The Benefits Of Living Connected To All Of You

Do you feel connected to your heart and soul? Or does fear and doubt weigh over you? Do you run on intuition, inner guidance or does your mind steer your life and frequently in the wrong direction? When we live connected to all of who we are, our intuition is clear...