7 Ways To Ignite Your Divine Feminine Essence NOW

Click Below To Watch Michelle Alva Being Interviewed on “HOW TO LOVE OUR BODY MORE” by Mia Saenz Boniardi at The Supreme Feminine Essence Summit. What is your Divine Feminine Essence? Your Divine Feminine Essence is the creative life force energy that...

3 Ways To Love Yourself More…Everyone Benefits!

  Love is such a powerful feeling. It evokes connection, healing, boosts our immune system and helps us to grow.¬† A mother needs certain levels of love hormone to birth her baby naturally and to breastfeed. Love hormone helps us to focus and it makes us feel...

How To Release and Transform Emotional Pain

Emotional pain is defined as an experience of pain and discomfort brought about by our mental perception of an event or person’s behavior as being hurtful. When we hold onto past hurts and do not forgive, we become resentful and accumulate more emotional pain...

How To Beat Stress During The Holidays

Stress is a perception that we are in danger, that something or a situation is of danger, unsafe and threatening to us. Our body is perfectly designed to move us away from things, situations, people and places in our lives that are dangerous and make us feel unsafe so...

8 Health Benefits Of Being Grateful

Did you know that feeling grateful effects your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health? According to Robert Emmons, a leading researcher in the growing field of ‚Äúpositive psychology,‚Äù and author of “Thanks! How The New Science of Gratitude Can Make...